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Getting started

Dependency injection

Mako 4 comes with an easy to use inversion of control container. Using dependency injection makes your application more maintainable and decoupled. Another benefit of using the dependency injection pattern is that it greatly increases the testability of the code, thus making it less prone to bugs.

All controllers, migrations and commands are instantiated using the IoC container making it easy to inject dependencies.


The register method allows you to register a dependency in the container.

$container->register(FooInterface::class, Foo::class);

You can also register a key along with the type hint to so that you can save a few keystrokes when resolving classes.

$container->register([FooInterface::class, 'foo'], Foo::class);

You can also register your dependencies using a closure. The closure will not be executed before it is required.

$container->register([BarInterface::class, 'bar'], function($container)
	return new Bar('parameter value');

The registerSingleton method does the same as the register method except that it makes sure that the same instance is returned every time the class is resolved through the container.

$container->registerSingleton([BarInterface::class, 'bar'], function($container)
	return new Bar('parameter value');

The registerInstance method is similar to the registerSingleton method. The only difference is that it allows you to register an existing instance in the container.

$container->registerInstance([BarInterface::class, 'bar'], new Bar('parameter value'));

The has method allows you to check for the presence of an item in the container.

// Check using the type hint

	// do something

// Or the optional key

	// do something

The get method lets you resolve a dependency through the IoC container.

// Resolve the class using the type hint

$foo = $container->get(FooInterface::class);

// Or the optional key

$foo = $container->get('foo');

The class does not have to be registered in the container to be resolvable.


class Depends
	protected $foo;
	protected $bar;

	public function __construct(FooInterface $foo, BarInterface $bar)
		$this->foo = $foo;
		$this->bar = $bar;

We can now resolve the Depends class using the IoC container. Both its dependencies will automatically be injected.

$depends = $container->get('Depends');

The getFresh method works just like the get method except that it returns a fresh instance even if the class that you are resolving is registered as a singleton.

$foo = $container->getFresh('bar');

The getFresh method might not work as expected for classes registered using the registerInstance method.

The call method allows you to execute a callable and automatically inject its dependencies.

$returnValue = $container->call(function(\app\lib\FooInterface $foo, \app\lib\BarInterface $bar)
	// $foo and $bar will automatically be injected into the callable

Contextual injection

Sometimes you'll need to inject different implementations of the same interface to different classes. This can easily be achieved with contextual dependency injection.

$container->registerContextualDependency(ClassA::class, FooBarInterface::class, FooBarImplementationA::class);
$container->registerContextualDependency(ClassB::class, FooBarInterface::class, FooBarImplementationB::class);

ClassA will now get the FooBarImplementationA implementation of the FooBarInterface while ClassB will get the FooBarImplementationB implementation.


Services are an easy and clean way of registering dependencies in the IoC container.

Mako includes a number of services for your convenience and you'll find a complete list in the app/config/application.php configuration file. You can add your own or remove the ones that you don't need in your application.

Services are split up in 3 groups. Core services are loaded both web and cli environments while web and cli services are only loaded for web requests and command line operations respectively.


Service Type hint Key Description Required
mako\syringe\Syringe container IoC container
mako\application\Application app Application
mako\file\FileSystem fileSystem File system abstraction
mako\config\Config config Config loader
CacheService mako\cache\CacheManager cache Cache manager
CommandBusService  mako\commander\CommandBusInterface commander Command bus
CryptoService mako\security\crypto\CryptoManager crypto Crypto manager
DatabaseService mako\database\ConnectionManager database Database connection manager
EventService mako\event\Event event Event handler
GatekeeperService   mako\auth\Gatekeeper gatekeeper Gatekeeper authentication
HTTPService mako\http\Request request Request
HTTPService mako\http\Response response Response
HTTPService mako\http\routing\Routes routes Route collection
HTTPService mako\http\routing\URLBuilder urlBuilder URL builder
HumanizerService mako\utility\Humanizer humanizer Humanizer helper
I18nService mako\i18n\I18n i18n Internationalization class
LoggerService Psr\Log\LoggerInterface logger  Monolog logger
PaginationFactoryService mako\pagination\PaginationFactoryInterface pagination Pagination factory
RedisService   mako\redis\ConnectionManager redis Redis connection manager
SessionService mako\session\Session session Session
SignerService mako\security\Signer signer Signer
ValidatorFactoryService mako\validator\ValidatorFactory validator Validation factory
ViewFactoryService mako\view\ViewFactory view View factory


Service Type hint Key Description Required
ErrorHandlerService mako\error\ErrorHandler errorHandler Error handler


Service Type hint Key Description Required
InputService mako\cli\input\Input input Input
OutputService mako\cli\output\Output output Output
ErrorHandlerService mako\error\ErrorHandler errorHandler Error handler

Note that some of the services depend on each other (e.g. the session needs the database manager if you choose to store your sessions in the database).

Container aware

You can also make a class that is instantiated by the container "container aware" by using the ContainerAwareTrait. This means that you can use the IoC container as a service locator if you prefer that.

Note that controllers, migrations and tasks are container aware by default.

The IoC container is always available through the $container property.


The ContainerAwareTrait also implements the magic __get() method. This allows you to resolve classes through the IoC container using overloading.

$this->view; // Instance of mako\view\ViewFactory

Note that resolving classes that are not registered as singletons in the container using overloading will result in a new instance every time. You should assign the resolved instance to a local variable if you need to perform multiple method calls on the object.