This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 11.1!
Getting started


This guide takes you through the steps needed to migrate from Mako 6.3.x to 7.0.x.


The undocumented cascading merging of configuration files has been removed from Mako 7 so you'll have to copy the entire configuration file if you want to define environment specific configuration files or override a package configuration value.


The new logger configuration key must be added to the application configuration file.

 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * Logger
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * channel: Log channel name
 * handler: Log handler(s) to use. The avaiable options out of the box are 'ErrorLog', 'Stream' and 'Syslog'.
 * syslog : Syslog specific options (
'logger' =>
	'channel' => 'mako',
	'handler' => ['Stream'],
	'syslog'  =>
		'identifier' => 'Mako',
		'facility'   => LOG_USER,

The class_aliases configuration key can be removed from the application configuration file since class aliasing has been removed.


The zenddisk and zendmemory configuration keys can be removed from the cache configuration file as support for the two stores has been dropped.


The cookie_options.samesite configuration key must be added to the gatekeeper configuration file.

 * The supported values are 'Lax', 'Strict' and 'None'.
 * @see
'samesite' => 'Lax',


The Redis client now supports RESP3 and the new Redis 6 ACL features. These new features can be leveraged using the new optional username and resp connection configuration keys.


The cookie_options.samesite configuration key must be added to the session configuration file.

 * The supported values are 'Lax', 'Strict' and 'None'.
 * @see
'samesite' => 'Lax',


New return values

The StoreInterface::get() method will now return null instead of false when an item does not exist in the cache.


Command descriptions

Command descriptions can no longer be defined using the $commandInformation property and must be moved to the $description property instead.

protected $description = 'Command description';

Positional arguments and command options can no longer be defined using the $commandInformation property and must now be defined using the getArguments method.

public function getArguments(): array
        new Argument('--argument1', 'Description'),
        new Argument('--argument2', 'Description', Argument::IS_OPTIONAL),


Dropped support for DB2

Support for DB2 has been dropped. If you still want to use DB2 then you'll have to maintain your own DB2 connection and query builder classes.

New return values

The following methods in the database library will now return null instead of false when no matching record is found:

  • Connection::first()
  • Connection::column()
  • Query::first()
  • Query::column()
  • Query::get()
  • ORM::get()

Subquery changes

Passing a Closure or Query instance to represent a subquery to the methods below no longer works. You must now pass a Subquery instance instead.

  • Query::table()
  • Query::from()
  • Query::into()
  • Query::in()
  • Query::notIn()
  • Query::orIn()
  • Query::orNotIn()
  • Query::exists()
  • Query::orExists()
  • Query::notExists()
  • Query::orNotExists()
  • Query::with()
  • Query::withRecursive()
// Before:

$results = $query->table(function($query)

// After:

$results = $query->table(new Subquery(function($query)
}, 'users'))

Set operation changes

Passing a Closure, Query or Subquery instance to the following methods does no longer work and you must update your code to use the new and improved syntax introduced in Mako 6.2.

  • Query::union()
  • Query::unionAll()
  • Query::intersect()
  • Query::intersectAll()
  • Query::except()
  • Query::exceptAll()
// Before:

$combinedSales = $query->unionAll(function($query)

// After:

$combinedSales = $query->table('sales2015')->unionAll()->table('sales2016')->all();


The Query::orderByRaw() and Join::onRaw() methods now have a new optional $parameters parameter altering the order of the optional parameters.

// Before:

$query->orderByRaw('MIN(`some_column`)', 'DESC');

// After:

$query->orderByRaw('MIN(`some_column`)', [], 'DESC');

In most cases the recommended way of doing this would be by using the Query::ascendingRaw() or Query::descendingRaw() methods.

// Before:

$query->onRaw('published_at', '<=', 'NOW()', 'OR');

// After:

$query->onRaw('published_at', '<=', 'NOW()', [], 'OR');

In most cases the recommended way of doing this would be by using the Join::orOnRaw() method.

Error handling

The ErrorHandler::disableLoggingFor() method has been removed. Use the new ErrorHandler::dontLog() method or the application.error_handler.dont_log configuration key instead.


New return values

The following methods in the Gatekeeper library will now return null instead of false when unable to retrieve data:

  • GroupRepositoryInterface::getByIdentifier()
  • GroupRepository::getById()
  • GroupRepository::getByName()
  • UserRepositoryInterface::getByIdentifier()
  • UserRepository::getByAccessToken()
  • UserRepository::getByActionToken()
  • UserRepository::getByEmail()
  • UserRepository::getById()
  • UserRepository::getByUsername()



The UploadedFile::getName() method has been renamed to UploadedFile::getReportedFilename() and the UploadedFile::getReportedType() method has been renamed to UploadedFile::getReportedMimeType().


The following Redirect methods have been removed:

  • Redirect::multipleChoices()
  • Redirect::notModified()
  • Redirect::notModified()


The following validation rule aliases have been removed:

  • max_filesize
  • mimetype

You should update your application to use the following rule names instead:

  • max_file_size
  • mime_type


Support for the {{$foo || 'Default'}} and {{$foo or 'Default'}} template syntax has removed since it caused unexpected behaviour when printing the output of a ternary expression using the || and or operators. Templates must be updated to use the new {{$foo, default: 'Default'}} syntax instead.

The new default syntax also has a small change in behaviour. It will print out the value for variables containing 0, 0.0 and "0".

You can use the following regex to find your echo tags that still use the old syntax:
