This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 9.1 or Mako 10.0!
Getting started


This guide takes you through the steps needed to migrate from Mako 7.2.x to 7.3.x.

There are no breaking changes in this release but there are some deprecations. Check out the changelog to check out the new features included in the release. Follow this upgrade guide to future-proof your application.

Access control middleware

The AccessControlAllowOrigin middleware is deprecated and will be removed in Mako 8.0. It is replaced by the new AccessControl middleware which can set all the Access-Control-* headers.


The CacheManager::instance() method has been deprecated and replaced by the CacheManager::getInstance() method. You can also use the CacheManager::getStore() alias method.

// Before

$cache = $this->cache->instance();

// After

$cache = $this->cache->getInstance();

// Or

$cache = $this->cache->getStore();


The ConnectionManager::connection() method has been deprecated and is replaced by the ConnectionManager::getConnection() method.

// Before

$connection = $this->database->connection();

// After

$connection = $this->database->getConnection();

The Connection::builder() method has been deprecated and replaced by the Connection::getQuery() method.

// Before

$query = $connection->builder();

// After

$query = $connection->getQuery();

The Connection::table() method has been deprecated without a replacement.

// Before

$query = $connection->table('foobar');

// After

$query = $connection->getQuery()->table('foobar');

The ORM::builder() method has been deprecated and replaced by the ORM::getQuery() method.

// Before

$query = (new Model)->builder();

// After

$query = (new Model)->getQuery();


The CryptoManager::instance() method has been deprecated and replaced by the CryptoManager::getInstance() method. You can also use the CryptoManager::getEncrypter() alias method.

// Before

$encrypter = $this->crypto->instance();

// After

$encrypter = $this->crypto->getInstance();

// Or

$encrypter = $this->crypto->getEncrypter();


The Route::namespace() method (and group config key) as well as the old way of registering class method actions as strings has been deprecated. Routes should now be registered using the *::class constant.


$routes->group(['namespace' => 'app\controllers'], function($routes)
    $routes->get('/', 'Index::welcome');

The code above should now be written like this:


use app\controllers\Index;

$routes->get('/', [Index::class, 'welcome']);