Getting started
Routing and controllers
Command line
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Databases (NoSQL)
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- Array helper
- Caching
- Collections
- Command, event and query buses
- Date and time
- File system
- HTML helper
- Humanizer
- Image manipulation
- Internationalization
- Logging
- Number helper
- Pagination
- Rate limiter
- Retry helper
- Sessions
- String helper
- URL builder
- UUID helper
- Validation
- Views
Official packages
The role of a controller is to respond to a HTTP request and construct a response. See the routing docs on how to direct HTTP requests to a controller action.
Getting started
Here's a basic example controller that extends the base controller included with the framework.
namespace app\http\controllers;
use mako\http\routing\Controller;
class Home extends Controller
public function welcome()
return 'Hello, world!';
Passing parameters to your controller actions is easy. Just define a route with the parameters you need and add the corresponding parameters to your method.
$routes->get('/articles/{id}', [Article::class, 'view']);
Note that it is important that that the method parameter has the same name as the route parameter.
public function view($id)
return $id;
Controller helpers
If you're extending the Mako base controller then you'll get a set of useful convenience methods for free.
File response
The fileResponse
method returns a file response sender. The file download will be resumable, something that can be very useful when downloading large files.
return $this->fileResponse('/path/to/file.ext');
You can set a custom file name, mime type, content disposition and a closure to be executed after a completed download using a set of chainable methods.
Method name | Description |
setName | The file name sent to the client |
setDisposition | Content-disposition (default is attachment) |
setType | The framework will try to detect the mime type for you but you can override it using this method |
done | Closure that will be executed when the download has been completed |
return $this->fileResponse('/path/to/file.ext')->setName('foo.ext')->setType('text/plain');
Note that any errors that happen in the closure will not be displayed as it happens after the output has been sent to the client. You'll have to check your logs for errors.
Redirect response
The redirectResponse
method returns a redirect response sender.
return $this->redirectResponse('');
The method also allows you to use a route name instead of an URL.
return $this->redirectResponse('articles.view', ['id' => 10]);
The default status code is set to 302
(Found) but you can override it by using the chainable setStatus
// You can set the status using the Status enum
return $this->redirectResponse('')->setStatus(Status::FOUND);
// Or by passing a valid status code integer
return $this->redirectResponse('')->setStatus(302);
It is also possible to use the following methods to set and get the status code.
Method name | Description |
movedPermanently | Sets the status code to 301 |
found | Sets the status code to 302 |
seeOther | Sets the status code to 303 |
temporaryRedirect | Sets the status code to 307 |
permanentRedirect | Sets the status code to 308 |
getStatus | Returns the status code |
Stream response
The streamResponse
method returns a stream response sender. They can be useful when sending large amounts data as the data will be flushed to the client in chunks, thus minimizing your application memory usage.
It also allows you to begin transmitting dynamically-generated content before knowing the total size of the content.
return $this->streamResponse(function ($stream) {
$stream->flush('Hello, world!');
$stream->flush('Hello, world!');
}, 'text/plain');
You can also set and get the content type and character set using the following methods.
Method name | Description |
setType | Sets the content type |
getType | Returns the content type |
setCharset | Sets the character set |
getCharset | Returns the character set |
Stream responses might not always work as expected as some webservers and reverse proxies will buffer the output before sending it in its entirety. When using Nginx you can send the
header with the valueno
to disable output buffering for the response.
JSON response
The jsonResponse
method returns a JSON response builder. It will convert the provided data to JSON and set the correct content type header.
return $this->jsonResponse([1, 2, 3]);
If you want your API endpoint to be able to serve JSONP as well then you'll have to chain the asJsonpWith
return $this->jsonResponse([1, 2, 3])->asJsonpWith('callback');
You can also set and get the character set and status code using the following methods.
Method name | Description |
setCharset | Sets the character set |
getCharset | Returns the character set |
setStatus | Sets the status code |
getStatus | Returns the status code |
Controller events
All controllers can have two special methods. The beforeAction
method which gets executed right before the controller action and the afterAction
method which gets executed right after the controller action.
The controller action and afterAction
methods will be skipped if the beforeAction
returns data.
public function beforeAction()
if ($this->gatekeeper->isGuest()) {
return $this->redirectResponse('user:login');
Note that a controller action and its after action will not be executed if the before action returns data.
Deferred tasks
Sometimes, you'll want to postpone slow tasks, such as sending an email or processing data, until after the response has been sent to the client. This can be achieved by using deferred tasks.
Deferred tasks are still processed within the same request, so memory limits and total execution time must be taken into consideration. If your tasks take more than a couple of seconds, you’re likely better off sending them to an asynchronous work queue, allowing them to be processed independently of web requests.
To use deferred tasks, simply inject the DeferredTasks
class and add your task using the defer
namespace app\http\controllers;
use mako\application\DeferredTasks;
class DeferredTaskExample
public function example(DeferredTasks $tasks): string
$tasks->defer(function (LoggerInterface $log): void {
$log->info('Deferred log entry.');
return 'Hello, world!';
In the example above, Hello, world!
will be returned to the client immediately, and a new log entry will be created 5 seconds later.
Task handlers can be any type of callable and are executed using the dependency injection container, allowing you to inject any dependencies you need.
Note that deferred tasks will only be processed after the response has been sent to the client if your application runs on a FastCGI server, such as PHP-FPM. When running on a non-FastCGI server, the response will hang until the tasks are completed.
Dependency injection
Controllers are instantiated by the dependency injection container. This makes it easy to inject your dependencies using the constructor.
namespace app\http\controllers;
use mako\http\routing\Controller;
use mako\view\ViewFactory;
class Articles extends Controller
public function __construct(
protected ViewFactory $view
) {
You can also inject your dependencies directly into a method since controller actions are executed by the Container::call()
public function view(ViewFactory $view, $id)
return $view->render('article', ['id' => $id]);
Controllers that extends the framework base controller are also container aware
. You can read more about what this means here.