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File system

The file library contains classes that assist you with working with the files and the file system.

File system

You can create a new FileSystem object or fetch the instance present in the dependency injection container. In the following examples we'll assume that you'll using the instance from the container.

The has method returns true if the provided path exists and false if not.

$exists = $this->fileSystem->has('/foo/bar.txt');

The isFile method returns true if the provided path is a file and false if not.

$isFile = $this->fileSystem->isFile('/foo/bar.txt');

The isDirectory method returns true if the provided path is a directory and false if not.

$isDirectory = $this->fileSystem->isDirectory('/foo');

The isEmpty method returns true if the provided path is an empty file or directory and false if not.

$isEmpty = $this->fileSystem->isEmpty('/foo');

The setPermissions method allows you to set the file permissions. You can pass an integer representing the permissions or a Permissions instance.

// Set the permissions to 644 using an octal


// Set the permissions to 644 using a Permissions instance

$this->fileSystem->setPermissions('/foo/bar.txt', new Permissions(

The getPermissions method returns a Permissions instance representing the permissions of the given file or directory.

$permissions = $this->fileSystem->getPermissions('/foo/bar.txt');

if($permissions->hasPermissions(Permission::PUBLIC_READ)) {
    // The file is readable for everyone

The isReadable method returns true if the provided path is readable and false if not.

$isReadable = $this->fileSystem->isReadable('/foo/bar.txt');

The isWritable method returns true if the provided path is writable and false if not.

$isWritable = $this->fileSystem->isWritable('/foo/bar.txt');

The isExecutable method returns true if the provided path is executable and false if not.

$isWritable = $this->fileSystem->isExecutable('/foo/bar.txt');

The isLink method returns true if the provided path is a link and false if not.

$isLink = $this->fileSystem->isLink('/foo/bar.txt');

The getLinkTarget method returns the path to the link target.

$linkTarget = $this->fileSystem->getLinkTarget('/foo/bar.txt');

The createSymbolicLink creates a symbolic link to the chosen target.

$this->fileSystem->createSymbolicLink('/foo/bar.txt', '/foo/baz.txt');

The createHardLink creates a hard link to the chosen target.

$this->fileSystem->createHardLink('/foo/bar.txt', '/foo/baz.txt');

The lastModified method returns the time (unix timestamp) when the data blocks of a file were being written to, that is, the time when the content of the file was changed.

$lastModified = $this->fileSystem->lastModified('/foo/bar.txt');

The size method returns the size of the file in bytes.

$size = $this->fileSystem->size('/foo/bar.txt');

The extension method returns the extension of the file.

$extension = $this->fileSystem->extension('/foo/bar.txt');

The copy method will copy a file from the chosen destination.

$this->fileSystem->copy('/foo/bar.txt', '/bar/foo.txt');

The rename method will rename (move) a file.

$this->fileSystem->rename('/foo/bar.txt', '/bar/foo.txt');

The remove method will delete a file from disk.


The removeDirectory method will delete a directory and all its contents from disk.


The glob method returns an array of path names matching the provided pattern.

$paths = $this->fileSystem->glob('/foo/*.txt');

The get method returns the contents of a file.

$contents = $this->fileSystem->get('/foo/bar.txt');

The put method puts the provided contents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to true.

$this->fileSystem->put('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The prepend method will prepend the provided contents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to true.

$this->fileSystem->prepend('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The appendContents method will append the provided contents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to true.

$this->fileSystem->append('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The truncate method will truncate the contents of the file. There's an optional second parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to true.


The createDirectory creates a directory.


The getDiskSize method returns the total size of a filesystem or disk partition in bytes.

$diskSize = $this->fileSystem->getDiskSize();

$diskSize = $this->fileSystem->getDiskSize('/mnt/filesystem');

The getFreeSpaceOnDisk method returns the total number of available bytes on the filesystem or disk partition.

$freeSpace = $this->fileSystem->getFreeSpaceOnDisk();

$diskSize = $this->fileSystem->getFreeSpaceOnDisk('/mnt/filesystem');

The include method will include a file.


The includeOnce method will include a file if it hasn't already been included.


The require method will require a file.


The requireOnce method will require a file if it hasn't already been required.


The info method will return a FileInfo instance.

$info = $this->fileSystem->info('/foo/bar.txt');

The file method will return a SplFileObject instance.

$file = $this->fileSystem->file('/foo/bar.txt', 'r');

The clearCache will clear the status cache.



Permission enum

The Permission enum contains cases that represents all the different owner, group and public permissions.

Case Permission in octal form
Permission::NONE 0o000
Permission::OWNER_EXECUTE 0o100
Permission::OWNER_WRITE 0o200
Permission::OWNER_EXECUTE_WRITE 0o300
Permission::OWNER_READ 0o400
Permission::OWNER_EXECUTE_READ 0o500
Permission::OWNER_WRITE_READ 0o600
Permission::OWNER_FULL 0o700
Permission::GROUP_EXECUTE 0o010
Permission::GROUP_WRITE 0o020
Permission::GROUP_EXECUTE_WRITE 0o030
Permission::GROUP_READ 0o040
Permission::GROUP_EXECUTE_READ 0o050
Permission::GROUP_WRITE_READ 0o060
Permission::GROUP_FULL 0o070
Permission::PUBLIC_EXECUTE 0o001
Permission::PUBLIC_WRITE 0o002
Permission::PUBLIC_EXECUTE_WRITE 0o003
Permission::PUBLIC_READ 0o004
Permission::PUBLIC_EXECUTE_READ 0o005
Permission::PUBLIC_WRITE_READ 0o006
Permission::PUBLIC_FULL 0o007
Permission::FULL 0o777

The calculate method returns an integer representing the sum of the chosen permissions.

$permissions = Permission::calculate(

The hasPermissions method allows you to check if a permission set contains the chosen permission(s).

$hasPublicRead = Permission::hasPermissions(0o644, Permission::PUBLIC_READ);

$hasGroupAndPublicRead = Permission::hasPermissions(0o644, Permission::GROUP_READ, Permission::PUBLIC_READ);

Permission collection

The Permissions class allows you to work with a collection of Permission instances. You can create a collection using the constructor or by using the fromInt method.

// Create an instance using the constructor

$permissions = new Permissions(

// Create an instance from an integer

$permissions = Permissions::fromInt(0o644);

The getPermissions method will return an array of Permission instances.

$permissions = $permissions->getPermissions();

The hasPermissions method allows you to check if the permission collection contains the chosen permission(s).

$hasPublicRead = $permissions->hasPermissions(Permission::PUBLIC_READ);

$hasGroupAndPublicRead = $permissions->hasPermissions(Permission::GROUP_READ, Permission::PUBLIC_READ);

The toInt returns an integer representation of the permissions.

$permissions = $permissions->toInt(); // 420 (0o644)

The toOctalString returns an octal string representation of the permissions.

$permissions = $permissions->toOctalString(); // "644"

The toRwxString method returns a RWX representation of the permissions.

$permissions = $permissions->toRwxString(); // rw-r--r--

File info

You can create a new FileInfo instance using the constructor or by getting an instance via the FileSystem::info() method. The FileInfo class extends the SplFileInfo class with a set of useful methods that we'll document below.

$info = new FileInfo('/foo/bar.txt');

The getMimeType method will return the MIME type of the file.

$mime = $info->getMimeType();

The getMimeEncoding method will return the MIME encoding of the file.

$encoding = $info->getMimeEncoding();

You can generate a hash based on the contents of the file using the getHash method. The default algorithm is sha256 but you can specify which one you would like to use using the optional first parameter. You can also tell the method to return the hash in its raw binary form by setting the optional second parameter to true.

$hash = $info->getHash();

You can validate a file against a known hash using the validateHash method. If you didn't use the default sha256 algorithm when generating the hash then you'll have to specify which one you used using the optional second parameter. If the hash you're comparing against is provided in its raw binary form then you'll have to set the optional third parameter to true.

$valid = $info->validateHash($hash);

A keyed hash can be generated using the getHmac method. The default algorithm is sha256 but you can specify which one you would like to use using the optional second parameter. You can also tell the method to return the hash in its raw binary form by setting the optional third parameter to true.

$hash = $info->getHmac($key);

You should provide a cryptographically secure key when generating the hash. You can easily generate your own secure keys using the app:generate-key reactor command.

Validating files against the keyed hash is done using the validateHmac method. If you didn't use the default sha256 algorithm when generating the hash then you'll have to specify which one you used using the optional third parameter. If the hash you're comparing against is provided in its raw binary form then you'll have to set the optional fourth parameter to true.

$valid = $info->validateHmac($hash, $key);

The getPermissions method returns a Permissions instance that allows you to get information about the permissions of the file.

$permissions = $info->getPermissions();

$rwx = $permissions->toRwxString(); // rw-r--r--


The finder class allows you to find files in the filesystem.

$finder = new Finder(['/files']);

foreach ($finder->find() as $file) {
    echo $file;

The find and findAs methods return generators so if you want to collect all files into an array then you can use the iterator_to_array function.

$files = iterator_to_array($finder->find());

By default the finder will search recursively down in the directory tree. You can limit the depth of the search by using the setMaxDepth method.


You can also filter files using a regex pattern.

$finder->setPattern('/\.php$/'); // Only match files with a .php extension

In addition to the find method you can also use the findAs method that alows you iterate over objects instead of just strings containg the file path.

foreach ($finder->findAs(FileInfo::class) as $fileInfo) {
    echo $fileInfo->getMimeType();