There's a newer version available. You should consider upgrading your project to Mako 11.1.
Getting started


This guide takes you through the steps needed to migrate from Mako 9.1.x to 10.0.x.

Mako 10.0 drops support for PHP version 8.0 and requires PHP version 8.1 or higher so make sure that your environment is up to date.

Application structure

Mako 10.0 comes with a new and improved directory strucute. Controllers and routing configuration has been moved to the app\http namespace. You can move the app/controllers and app/routing directories to the app/http/(controllers|routing) directory and update namespaces accordingly or you can continue to use the legacy structure.

If you choose to keep using the legacy structure then you'll have to override the HttpService:


namespace app\services;

use mako\application\services\HTTPService as HttpBaseService;

class HttpService extends HttpBaseService
	protected function getRoutingPath(): string
		return "{$this->app->getPath()}/routing";



The Router::registerConstraint() and Router::setConstraintAsGlobal() methods have been removed and all calls to the methods must be removed from your app/http/routing/constraints.php configuration file.

If you want to register global constraints in Mako 10.0 then you'll have to use the new Router::registerGlobalConstraint() method:


// Before


// Now


// You can now pass arguments to global constraints

$router->registerGlobalConstraint(ApiVersionConstraint::class, version: '2.0');

Assigning constraints to a route is still done using the Route::constraint() method or Constraint attribute. However the Route::constraint() method will now have to be called multiple times when registering multiple constraints to a route:


// Before

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')

// Now

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')

// You can now pass arguments to constraints

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')
->constraint(FooConstraint::class, foo: 123)
->constraint(BarConstraint::class, bar: 456);

Read all about the new constraint features here.


The Dispatcher::registerMiddleware() and Dispatcher::setMiddlewareAsGlobal() methods have been removed and all calls to the methods must be removed from your app/http/routing/middleware.php configuration file.

If you want to register global middleware in Mako 10.0 then you'll have to use the new Dispatcher::registerGlobalMiddleware() method:


// Before


// Now


// You can now pass arguments to global middleware

$dispatcher->registerGlobalMiddleware(CacheMiddleware::class, minutes: 60);

Setting middleware priority is still done using the Dispatcher::setMiddlewarePriority() method although instead of passing an array of middleware and priorities you make multiple calls to the method when registering multiple priorities:


// Before

    FooMiddleware::class => 1,
    BarMiddleware::class => 2,

// Now

$dispatcher->setMiddlewarePriority(FooMiddleware::class, 1);
$dispatcher->setMiddlewarePriority(BarMiddleware::class, 2);

Assigning middleware to a route is still done using the Route::middleware() method or Middleware attribute. However the Route::middleware() method will now have to be called multiple times when registering multiple middleware to a route:

// Before

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')

// Now

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')

// You can now pass arguments to middleware

$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!')
->middleware(FooMiddleware::class, foo: 123)
->middleware(BarMiddleware::class, bar: 456);

The syntax for assigning middleware in route groups has also been sligtly changed:


// Without arguments

$options = [
	'middleware' => [CacheMiddleware::class],

$routes->group($options, function ($routes) {
	$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!');

// With arguments

$options = [
	'middleware' => [[CacheMiddleware::class, ['minutes' => 60]]],

$routes->group($options, function ($routes) {
	$routes->get('/', fn () => 'Hello, world!');

Read all about the new middleware features here.

Typed properties

Mako 10.0 introduces typed properties in all of its core classes so you'll have to update any class that extend the core.

Built in middleware

The AccessControl middleware properties must be updated to use typed properties:


namespace app\http\routing\middleware;

use mako\http\routing\middleware\AccessControl as AccessControlMiddleware;

class AccessControl extends AccessControlMiddleware
    protected bool $allowCredentials = false;

	protected bool $allowAllDomains = false;

	protected array $allowedDomains = [];

	protected array $allowedHeaders = [];

	protected array $allowedMethods = [];

The ContentSecurityPolicy middleware properties must be updated to use typed properties:


namespace app\http\routing\middleware;

use mako\http\routing\middleware\ContentSecurityPolicy as ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware;

class ContentSecurityPolicy extends ContentSecurityPolicyMiddleware
	protected array $reportTo = [];

	protected bool $reportOnly = false;

	protected array $directives = [
		'base-uri'    => ['self'],
		'default-src' => ['self'],
		'object-src'  => ['none'],

The SecurityHeaders middleware properties muse be updated to use typed properties:


namespace app\http\routing\middleware;

use mako\http\routing\middleware\SecurityHeaders as SecurityHeadersMiddleware;

class SecurityHeaders extends SecurityHeadersMiddleware
	protected array $headers = [
		'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff',
		'X-Frame-Options'        => 'sameorigin',
		'X-XSS-Protection'       => '1; mode=block',


Your commands might not need any changes at all but here are all the properites that will have to be updated:


namespace app\console\commands;

use mako\reactor\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
    protected string $command;

	protected string $description;

Custom validation rules

If you have implemented custom validation rules that use the I18nAwareTrait trait then you'll have to update the types of the $i18nParameters and $i18nFieldNameParameters properties.


namespace app\support\validation;

use mako\validator\rules\RuleInterface;
use mako\validator\rules\traits\I18nAwareTrait;

class MyRule implements RuleInterface
    use I18nAwareTrait;

    protected array $i18nParameters = [];
    protected array $i18nFieldNameParameters = [];

    // The rest of the validation rule implementation goes here ...


If your application has migrations then you'll have to update the $description property to be typed:

protected string $description = '...';


Your models might not need any changes at all but here are all the properites that will have to be updated:


namespace app\models;

use mako\database\midgard\ORM;

class Example extends ORM
    protected null|string $connectionName = null;

    protected string $tableName;

	protected string $foreignKeyName;

	protected string $primaryKey = 'id';

    protected int $primaryKeyType = ORM::PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE_INCREMENTING;

    protected array $including = [];

    protected array $cast = [];

    protected array $assignable = [];

	protected array $protected = [];

    protected string $dateOutputFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';

    protected string $lockingColumn = 'lock_version'; // Used with the OptimisticLockingTrait trait

    protected array $nullable = []; // Used with the NullableTrait trait

    protected string $createdAtColumn = 'created_at'; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait

    protected string $updatedAtColumn = 'updated_at'; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait

    protected array $touch = []; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait

    protected bool $shouldTouchOnInsert = true; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait

    protected bool $shouldTouchOnUpdate = true; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait

    protected bool $shouldTouchOnDelete = true; // Used with the TimestampedTrait trait


If you have created a custom Mako package then you'll have to update the package class to use typed properties:


namespace acme;

use mako\application\Package;

class MyPackage extends Package
    protected string $packageName = 'acme/my-package';

    protected array $commands = [];