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HTML helper

The HTML helper can be used to generate nearly any HTML tag.


First we'll need to create a HTML instance.

$html = new HTML;

// You can make it return XHTML by setting the $xhtml parameter to "true"

$html = new HTML(true);

The tag method can be used to generate nearly any HTML tag.

// Will print "<br>"

echo $html->tag('br');

// Will print <span>Hello, world!</span>

echo $html->tag('span', [], 'Hello, world!');

// Will print <span id="foo" class="bar">Hello, world!</span>

echo $html->tag('span', ['id' => 'foo', 'class' => 'bar'], 'Hello, world!');

The audio method generates HTML5 tags for audio files.

echo $html->audio('http://example.org/file.mp3');

echo $html->audio(['http://example.org/file.mp3', 'http://example.org/file.ogg']);

The video method generates HTML5 tags for video files.

echo $html->video('http://example.org/file.mp4');

echo $html->video(['http://example.org/file.mp4', 'http://example.org/file.ogg']);

The ul method generates HTML tags for an unordered list.

$items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];

echo $html->ul($items);

echo $html->ul($items, ['class' => 'my_list']);

// It also supports multi-dimensional arrays

$items = ['foo', 'bar', ['bar', 'foo']];

echo $html->ul($items);

The ol method generates HTML tags for a ordered list.

$items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];

echo $html->ol($items);

echo $html->ol($items, ['class' => 'my_list']);

// It also supports multi-dimensional arrays

$items = ['foo', 'bar', ['bar', 'foo']);

echo $html->ol($items);

The addMethod method allows you to register custom tag methods.

HTML::addMethod('p', fn ($content, array $attributes = []) => $this->tag('p', $attributes, $content));

// Will print <p>Hello</p>


// Will print <p class="foo">Hello</p>

$html->p('Hello!', ['class' => 'foo']);