This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 11.1!
Getting started
Command line
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Mako includes a CLI tool called reactor
. Reactor allows you to run parts of you application from the command line. This is especially useful when creating long running tasks such as cronjobs.
Mako includes a several useful tasks by default. To list the available tasks just type this in your console:
php reactor
It should print the following on a default Mako installation
php reactor <action> [arguments] [options]
Global options:
--env Allows you to override the default environment.
--database Allows you to override the default database connection.
Available actions:
app.up Takes the application online.
app.down Takes the application offline.
app.generate_secret Generates a new application secret.
console Starts a debug console.
migrate.status Checks if there are any outstanding migrations.
migrate.create Creates a new migration.
migrate.up Runs all outstanding migrations.
migrate.down Rolls back the last batch of migrations.
migrate.reset Rolls back all migrations.
server Starts a local development server.
Executing a task is done like this:
php reactor app.down
You can list detailed information about a specific task like this:
php reactor console --task-info
All tasks have two special parameters,
which lets you override the environment and database connection to use.