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Query builder
- Fetching data
- Inserting data
- Updating data
- Deleting data
- Aggregates
- WHERE clauses
- WHERE IN clauses
- WHERE IS NULL clauses
- WHERE EXISTS clauses
- JOIN clauses
- GROUP BY clauses
- HAVING clauses
- ORDER BY clauses
- LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
The query builder allows you to programmatically build SQL queries.
The query builder currently supports the following dialects:
- DB2
- Firebird
- MariaDB
- NuoDB
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- SQLServer
All queries executed by the query builder use prepared statements, thus mitigating the risk of SQL injections.
Fetching data
Fetching all rows is done using the all
$persons = $connection->table('persons')->all();
// You can also specify which columns you want to include in the result set
$persons = $connection->table('persons')->all(array('name', 'email'));
// To make a distinct selection use the distinct method
$persons = $connection->table('persons')->distinct()->all(array('name', 'email'));
// Selecting from the results of a subquery is also possible
$persons = $connection->table
Database::subquery($connection->table('persons')->distinct()->columns(array('name')), 'distinct_names')
->where('name', '!=', 'John Doe')
// You can also make advanced column selections with raw SQL and subqueries
$persons = $connection->table('persons')->all(array
Database::raw("CASE gender WHEN 'm' THEN 'male' ELSE 'female' END AS gender"),
Database::subquery($connection->table('persons')->columns(array(Database::raw('AVG(age)'))), 'average_age')
If you only want to retrieve a single row you can use the first
$person = $connection->table('persons')->where('id', '=', 1)->first();
// You can also specify which columns you want to include in the result set
$person = $connection->table('persons')->where('id', '=', 1)->first(array('name', 'email'));
Fetching the value of a single column is done using the column method.
$email = $connection->table('persons')->where('id', '=', 1)->column('email');
Inserting data
Inserting data is done using the insert
->insert(array('field1' => 'foo', 'field2' => 'bar', 'field3' => time()));
Updating data
Updating data is done using the update
->where('id', '=', 10)
->update(array('field1' => 'foo', 'field2' => 'bar', 'field3' => time()));
There are also shortcuts for incrementing and decrementing column values:
$connection->table('article')->increment('views', 10);
$connection->table('show')->decrement('tickets', 50);
Deleting data
Deleting data is done using the delete
$connection->table('table')->where('id', '=', 10)->delete();
The query builder also includes a few handy shortcuts to the most common aggregate functions:
// Counting
$count = $connection->table('persons')->count();
$count = $connection->table('persons')->where('age', '>', 25)->count();
// Average value
$height = $connection->table('persons')->avg('height');
$height = $connection->table('persons')->where('age', '>', 25)->avg('height');
// Largest value
$height = $connection->table('persons')->max('height');
$height = $connection->table('persons')->where('age', '>', 25)->max('height');
// Smallest value
$height = $connection->table('persons')->min('height');
$height = $connection->table('persons')->where('age', '>', 25)->min('height');
// Sum
$height = $connection->table('persons')->sum('height');
$height = $connection->table('persons')->where('age', '>', 25)->sum('height');
WHERE clauses
where(), orWhere()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `age` > 25
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->where('age', '>', 25)
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `age` > 25 OR `age` < 20
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->where('age', '>', 25)
->orWhere('age', '<', 20)
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE (`age` > 25 AND `height` > 180) AND `email` IS NOT NULL
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
$query->where('age', '>', 25);
$query->where('height', '>', 180);
between(), orBetween(), notBetween(), orNotBetween()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `age` BETWEEN 20 AND 25
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->between('age', 20, 25)
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `age` BETWEEN 20 AND 25 OR `age` BETWEEN 30 AND 35
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->between('age', 20, 25)
->orBetween('age', 30, 35)
WHERE IN clauses
in(), orIn(), notIn(), orNotIn()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->in('id', array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `persons` WHERE `id` != 1)
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->in('id', Database::subquery($connection->table('persons')->where('id', '!=', 1)->columns(array('id'))))
null(), orNull(), notNull(), orNotNull()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE `address` IS NULL
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
exists(), orExists(), notExists(), orNotExists()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE `cars`.`person_id` = `persons`.`id`)
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
Database::subquery($connection->table('cars')->where('cars.person_id', '=', Database::raw('')))
JOIN clauses
join(), leftJoin()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` INNER JOIN `phones` ON `persons`.`id` = `phones`.`user_id`
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->join('phones', '', '=', 'phones.user_id')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` AS `u` INNER JOIN `phones` AS `p` ON
// `u`.`id` = `p`.`user_id` OR `u`.`phone_number` = `p`.`number`
$persons = $connection->table('persons as u')
->join('phones as p', function($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'p.user_id');
$join->orOn('u.phone_number', '=', 'p.number');
GROUP BY clauses
// SELECT `customer`, `order_date`, SUM(`order_price`) as `sum` FROM `orders` GROUP BY `customer`
$customers = $connection->table('orders')
->all(array('customer', Database::raw('SUM(price) as sum')));
// SELECT `customer`, `order_date`, SUM(`order_price`) as `sum` FROM `orders` GROUP BY `customer`, `order_date`
$customers = $connection->table('orders')
->groupBy(array('customer', 'order_date'))
->all(array('customer', 'order_date', Database::raw('SUM(price) as sum')));
HAVING clauses
having(), orHaving()
// SELECT `customer`, SUM(`price`) AS `sum FROM `orders` GROUP BY `customer` HAVING SUM(`price`) < 2000
$customers = $connection->table('orders')
->having(Database::raw('SUM(price)'), '<', 2000)
->all(array('customer', Database::raw('SUM(price) as sum')));
ORDER BY clauses
orderBy(), descending(), ascending()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` ORDER BY `name` ASC
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->orderBy('name', 'asc')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` ORDER BY `name` ASC
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` ORDER BY `name` DESC
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` ORDER BY `name` ASC, `age` DESC
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->orderBy('name', 'asc')
->orderBy('age', 'desc')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` ORDER BY `name`, `age` ASC
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
->orderBy(array('name', 'age'), 'asc')
LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
limit(), offset()
// SELECT * FROM `persons` LIMIT 10
$persons = $connection->table('persons')
// SELECT * FROM `persons` LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10
$persons = $connection->table('persons')