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Coding standards
The following coding standards have been used when developing Mako. We suggest you follow the same standards when developing applications using Mako.
PHP tags
Always use long open tags. Never use short tags or ASP style tags. Class files should never include a closing tag.
// Correct
// Incorrect
// Incorect
Files should always have the same name as the class they contain. A file should never contain more than one class. The file encoding should always be UTF-8.
File names must match the case of the class. The only exception being controllers and tasks, which should always have lower case file names.
// File: libraries/mako/DateTime.php
namespace mako
class DateTime
// File: app/controllers/index.php
namespace app\lib
class Index
Namespaces should be written in lower case:
// Correct
namespace foo\bar;
// Incorrect
namespace Foo\Bar;
Class names should be written in upper CamelCase:
// Correct
class Image
// Correct
class MyImage
// Incorrect
class image
// Incorrect
class my_image
Method names should be written in lower camelCase (does not apply to controller and task methods):
// Correct
public function fooBar()
// Incorrect
public function FooBar()
// Incorrect
public function foo_bar()
Variable names should be written in lower camelCase:
// Correct
$fooBar = null;
// Incorrect
$foobar = null;
// Incorrect
$foo_bar = null;
Constant names should be written in upper case and multiple words should be separated with a underscore:
// Correct
const FOO_BAR = 123;
// Correct
define('FOO_BAR', 123);
// Incorrect
const foobar = 123;
// Incorrect
define('foobar', 123);
Braces associated with a control statement should always be on the next line, indented to the same level as the control statement:
// Correct
public function foo()
// Incorrect
public function foo() {
Tabs should be used for indentation while spaces should be used to align code:
namespace foo;
class Bar
public function hello()
$string = 'Hello ';
$string .= 'World!';
echo $string;
All classes, methods and functions are commented using the PHPDoc standard.
This makes it easy to understand what the code does and it also enables IDEs to provide improved code completion, type hinting and debugging.
* Returns a greeting.
* @access public
* @param string $name Name of the person you want to greet
* @return string
public function greeting($name)
return 'Hello, ' . $name . '!';