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File system

The FileSystem class contains methods that assist in working with the file system.


You can create a new FileSystem object or fetch the instance present in the IoC container. In the following examples we'll assume that you'll using the instance from the container.

The exists method return TRUE if the provided path exists and FALSE if not.

$exists = $this->fileSystem->exists('/foo/bar.txt');

The isFile method return TRUE if the provided path is a file and FALSE if not.

$isFile = $this->fileSystem->isFile('/foo/bar.txt');

The isDirectory method returns TRUE if the provided path is a directory and FALSE it not.

$isDirectory = $this->fileSystem->isDirectory('/foo');

The isReadable method returns TRUE if the provided path is readable and FALSE if not.

$isReadable = $this->fileSystem->isReadable('/foo/bar.txt');

The isWritable method returns TRUE if the provided path is writable and FALSE if not.

$isWritable = $this->fileSystem->isWritable('/foo/bar.txt');

The lastModified method returs the time (unix timestamp) when the data blocks of a file were being written to, that is, the time when the content of the file was changed.

$lastModified = $this->fileSystem->lastModified('/foo/bar.txt');

The size method returns the size of the file in bytes.

$size = $this->fileSystem->size('/foo/bar.txt');

The extension method returns the extension of the file.

$extension = $this->fileSystem->extension('/foo/bar.txt');

The mime method returns the mime type of the file. It returns FALSE if the mime type is not found.

$mime = $this->fileSystem->mime('/foo/bar.txt');

The method will try to guess the mimetype by using the file extension if the finfo_open() function doesn't exist. Note that this is not a very reliable way of determinating a mime type. You can disable guessing by setting the second parameter to FALSE.

The delete method will delete a file from disk.


The glob method returns an array of path names matching the provided pattern.

$paths = $this->fileSystem->glob('/foo/*.txt');

The getContents method returns the contents of a file.

$contents = $this->fileSystem->getContents('/foo/bar.txt');

The putContents method puts the provided contents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to TRUE.

$this->fileSystem->putContents('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The prependContents method will prepend the provided conetents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to TRUE.

$this->fileSystem->prependContents('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The appendContents method will append the provided conetents to the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to TRUE.

$this->fileSystem->appendContents('/foo/bar.txt', 'hello, world!');

The truncateContents method will truncate the contents of the file. There's an optional third parameter that will set an exclusive write lock if set to TRUE.


The includeFile method will include a file.


The includeFileOnce method will include a file if it hasn't already been included.


The requireFile method will require a file.


The requireFileOnce method will require a file if it hasn't already been required.


The file method will return a SplFileObject.

$file = $this->fileSystem->file('/foo/bar.txt', 'r');