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Image manipulation

The pixl library allows you to manipulate images through a consistent API using either GD or ImageMagick.


First you'll have to decide whether to use GD or ImageMagick. In this example we'll use the GD processor.

$image = new Image('my_image.png', new GD);

You can reuse the same processor instance as long as you edit your images sequentially.

The getHeight method returns the height of your image.

$height = $image->getHeight();

The getWidth method returns the width of your image.

$width = $image->getWidth();

The getDimensions method returns an array containing both the height and width of your image.

$dimensions = $image->getDimensions();

The snapshot method allows you to create a snapshot of your image.


The restore method allows you to restore an image snaphot.


The rotate method allows you to rotate an image n degrees.


The resize method allows you to resize an image.

// Resize to 50% of original size


// Resize to 300 x 300 pixels

$image->resize(300, 300);

// Resize to closest possible match while maintaining aspect ratio

$image->resize(300, 300, Image::RESIZE_AUTO);

// Base new size on given width while maintaining aspect ratio

$image->resize(300, 300, Image::RESIZE_WIDTH);

// Base new size on given height while maintaining aspect ratio

$image->resize(300, 300, Image::RESIZE_HEIGHT);

The crop method allows you to crop an image. The two first parameters are the crop size while the last two are the X and Y coordinates of the cropped region's top left corner.

$image->crop(200, 200, 50, 50);

The flip method allows you to flip and image.


// Flip the image vertiaclly


The watermark method allows you to add a watermark to your image.


// You can also position the watermark (default is top left)

$image->watermark('watermark.png', Image::WATERMARK_TOP_RIGHT);

$image->watermark('watermark.png', Image::WATERMARK_BOTTOM_LEFT);

$image->watermark('watermark.png', Image::WATERMARK_BOTTOM_RIGHT);

$image->watermark('watermark.png', Image::WATERMARK_CENTER);

// You can also set the watermark opacity in percent

$image->watermark('watermark.png', Image::WATERMARK_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 50);

The sharpen method allows you to sharpen the image.


The pixelate method will pixelate the image.


// You can also set the size of the pixels


The greyscale method converts the image to greyscale.


The sepia method converts the iamge to sepia.


The negate will invert the colors in the image.


The colorize method allows you to colorize an image.


The brightness method allows you adjust the brightness of the image.


// You can also set a custom value (between -100 and 100)


The getImageBlob returns the raw binary image data.

$image = $image->getImageBlob();

// You can also tell it to return a different image type

$image = $image->getImageBlob('jpg');

// You can also adjust the image quality in percent (default is 95%)

$image = $image->getImageBlob('jpg', 70);

As the name suggests the save method will save your edited image to disk.

// Override original file


// Create a new file


// You can also adjust the image quality in percent (default is 95%)

$image->save('edited_image.png', 70);