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Databases (NoSQL)


The Redis client provides a simple and consistent way of communicating with a Redis server.



Creating a database connection is done using the ConnectionManager::connection method.

// Returns connection object using the "default" redis configuration defined in the config file

$redis = $this->redis->connection();

// Returns connection object using the "mydb" redis configuration defined in the config file

$redis = $this->redis->connection('mydb');

The Redis class uses the magic __call method so every current (and future) Redis command is a valid method.

// Add some dummy data

$redis->rpush('drinks', 'water');
$redis->rpush('drinks', 'milk');
$redis->rpush('drinks', 'orange juice');

// Fetches all the drinks

$drinks = $redis->lrange('drinks', 0, -1);

// Delete data


If the redis command contains spaces (CONFIG GET, CONFIG SET, etc ...) then you'll have to separate the words using camel case or underscores.

// Use camel case to separate multi word commands


// You can also use underscores


The pipeline method allows you to send multiple commands to the Redis server without having to wait for the replies. Using pipelining can be useful if you need to send a large number of commands as you will not be paying the cost of round-trip time for every single call.

$redis->set('x', 0);

$replies = $redis->pipeline(function($redis)
	for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)

Note that pipelining will not work when connected to a Redis cluster unless all keys used in the pipeline are stored on the same node.

Magic shortcut

You can access the default redis connection directly without having to go through the connection method thanks to the magic __call method.

$exists = $this->redis->exists('drinks');