This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 11.1!
Getting started


The configuration of the Mako core is done in the app/init.php file. This is where you set the error reporting level and define the paths to the application and vendor directories.

All of the remaining framework configuration is done by editing the files that are located in the app/config directory.

Config files

Mako config files are just simple arrays:


	'key_1' => 'value',
	'key_2' => 'value',

And loading a config file is done by using the get method.

$config = $this->config->get('redis'); // Loads the redis.php file

You can also fetch config items using dot notation.

$default = $this->config->get('redis.default');

It is also possible to override settings or add new configurations at runtime:

// Adds a new Crypto configuration named "user" that you can
// use when creating a Crypto instance "Crypto::instance('user');"

	'library'  => 'openssl',
	'cipher'   => 'AES-256-OFB',
	'key'     => 'ksMGBr_yR>=IiRicJFUhD4XlRnE%|11mvRGNJsD',

Removing the custom configuration is done using the remove method:


Setting configuration at runtime is not always possible. Some components such as the connections managers (database, redis, etc...) will cache the settings once they get loaded. You can override them using their addConfiguration and removeConfiguration methods instead.

Environment aware configuration

Mako supports environment aware configuration. This means that you can have separate configuration files for your different environments. All you have to do is create a subdirectory with the name of your environment in the app/config directory and copy the environment specific files into it.

Setting the environment

Setting the environment in Apache:

SetEnv MAKO_ENV dev

Setting the environment in Nginx:

fastcgi_param MAKO_ENV dev;

Setting the environment in a linux/unix shell:

export MAKO_ENV=dev # for Bourne, bash, and related shells
setenv MAKO_ENV=dev # for csh and related shells

You can also manually set the environment in the CLI using the env option.

php reactor <command> --env=dev

Package configuration

Check out the package documentation for more information regarding package configuration.