This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 11.1!
Getting started
Routing and controllers
Command line
Databases (SQL)
Databases (NoSQL)
Learn more
- Array helper
- Caching
- Command bus
- Date and time
- Events
- File system
- HTML helper
- Humanizer
- Image manipulation
- Internationalization
- Logging
- Number helper
- Pagination
- Sessions
- String helper
- URL builder
- UUID helper
- Validation
- Views
Official packages
- PHP 7.0.0 or higher *
- mbstring
* Tested on PHP 7.0.x, 7.1.x and 7.2.x
Installing Mako is easy and can be with done in a few simple steps thanks to composer.
First you'll have to create a new project:
composer create-project mako/app <project name>
Next you'll have to make the app/storage/*
directories writable (command my vary depending on your system):
chown www-data:www-data -R app/storage
Now you're ready to start coding!
Note that only the most essential services are enabled by default. Enable the ones that you need by uncommenting them in the
configuration file.
Mako can easily be updated when a new version is released using the following command:
composer update
Note that some updates might require some minor code changes. These will be documented in the upgrade guides.