This version is outdated. You should upgrade your project to Mako 11.1!
Official packages


The Mako Toolbar package is a useful developer tool that allows you to take a look at the request, response, configuration, session data, database queries, execution time and memory usage of your application.


Install the package using the following composer command:

composer require mako/toolbar

Next, add the mako\toolbar\ToolbarPackage package to your app/config/application.php config file.

Finally, you need to make sure that the toolbar gets rendered. The quickest way of getting it up and running is to use the included middleware.

$dispatcher->registerMiddleware('toolbar', ToolbarMiddleware::class);

You should make sure that the middleware gets executed first to ensure that the toolbar is able to collect all the information about your application.

$dispatcher->setMiddlewarePriority(['toolbar' => 1]);

You can now add the middleware to the routes of your choice or make it global if you want to apply it to all your routes.


The middleware will only append the toolbar to responses with a content type of text/html and a body that includes a set of <body></body> tags.

Creating custom panels

Custom panels must implement the PanelInterface class. You can extend the Panel class which already implements some of the required methods.

In the following example we'll create a simple dummy panel. First, lets start by creating the toolbar class.


namespace app\toolbar\panels;

use mako\toolbar\panels\Panel;
use mako\toolbar\panels\PanelInterface;

class HelloWorldPanel extends Panel implements PanelInterface

	public function getTabLabel(): string
		return 'Hello, World!';

	public function render(): string
		return $this->view->render('toolbar.panels.hello_world');

Next, we'll need to create a view for our toolbar.

<div class="mako-panel-header">
	<span class="mako-title">Hello, World!</span>

<div class="mako-panel-content">

		Hello, World!


All we have to do now is to add our custom panel to the toolbar:

$toolbar->addPanel(new HelloWorldPanel($container->get('view')));